I am very happy to work with you this year. Your partner class is the 2BPS2 of the Professional High School of St Rémi,
I’m sure we will have a great time communicating together and sharing points of views and ideas. We will practice our English language and we will learn a lot about French and Slovenian cultures.
My students have written a small introduction about themselves, don’t hesitate to comment and start communicating with them!
We hope to discover more about all of you!
Mrs Cioc
Dear Mrs Cioc,
I am glad we have finally launched our common project. That wouldn't be possible if we didn't have such energetic partners!
May I ask you what the letters in the name of the class 2BPS2 means?
Dear Mrs Hladnik,
2BPS stands for "Seconde Baccalauréat Professionnel Secrétariat" and the "2" stands for the number of the class.
My students just started high-school and are preparing a 3-year-diploma (A-Level) to become Secretaries. They may also wish to continue their education after.
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